Sunday, September 28, 2014

What a Busy Week!!


Math: Today for math we talked about the vocabulary words same and different. Then we did an activity where we took off one of our shoes and we compared shoes.  We talked about what characteristics made some shoes the same in some ways and also different in some ways.  Then we walked around the room with one shoe and when the music stopped we had to find a friend who had a shoe that was the same in some way.  We LOVED this activity!

S.M.A.R.T. Room:  we are up and running and love working at the stations with our partners.

Writer's Workshop: We played a game called pencil pick ups.  We are practicing picking up a pencil quickly and holding it in the correct position.  The song we sang goes like this..."Pinch it, flip it, let it rest." Ask your child how to do this.

We had PHY ED today.

Reading/Phonics: Today we worked on the letter Gg.  We chanted our ABC chart and read the Alphatales story Gorilla be Good.  We brainstormed words that start with the letter G and played an interactive matching game on the smart board.  Then we worked on our letter G poem.

Social Studies:  We took our bus safety "test" today.  I just asked each student about the rules of being safe on the bus.  We ALL passed!!  We are all bus safety experts! :)

Library:  We had library today!!


Bus Safety:  This morning we went outside for Bus Safety.  Two people from the bus company brought out a bus and talked to us about being safe on the bus.  We also enjoyed a very funny puppet show.  Watch a short video of our bus safety experience.

Bus Safety from Annie Jost on Vimeo.

Math: Today we learned a new math game called Roll and Trace.  Instead of matching the dots on the dice we had to find the numeral and trace it.  We all did a great job and really enjoy these math games.

Writer's Workshop: Today we made a friend their special friend book to take home.

We had MUSIC today!

Reading/Phonics: Today was our day 2 of the letter Gg.  We reviewed the letter G and all the other previous letters and played a game on the smart board.  We also did a practice sheet where we had to color all the letter G's.  We also learned a new snap word "I".  We played our hangman game for practice and review of all our words so far.  We also did a practice sheet where we filled in the word I to make a sentence.

Handwriting: Today we talked about mat man and how he is made up of pieces that we use to create our letters.  We played an online interactive game where we each had a turn building a part of mat man.  Then we each got to make him ourselves in groups.  We had a lot of fun with this.  Ask your child to sing the "mat man" song.


Math: Today we got to meet our "ketchup and mustard" partners.  These will be partners that we will be working with for all of our Unit 1 math partner activities.  With our partners today we sorted a bag of shapes by color and by shape.  We also had some time to explore with them as well to see what we could create.  We also had a practice sheet where we were able to show the skills we learned about sorting by shape today!

Storybook Reader: We listened to a wonderful book called Michael Recycle.  We had a great time and were fabulous listeners!!

Free choice time: Today we were able to go into the open classroom next door that I made into a play room.  We were very excited to have a  little more room to play.  We have a play dough and watercolor station, a grocery store station, an area to play "school", a library, a large car mat and blocks, an art area and we also have an iPad station.  We had a lot of fun in our new play area!!  We will have time at the end of each day to explore and learn by playing!!

We had PHY ED today!

Reading/ Phonics: Today we learned about the letter Hh and the sound it makes.  We read the Alphatales story  Hide and Seek Hippo.  We also played a listening game called....what did you hear.  The students closed their eyes and I created two different sounds.  For example: I dropped a book and them coughed.  The students then raised their hands to tell me what two sounds they heard.  This is a great listening game getting them ready to hear all the sounds in words.  We had a lot of fun with this.  You could easily play this game at home.  We then chanted our ABC chart and worked on our letter H poem.


Character Education: Mrs. Weninger came into our classroom this morning and talked about the zones of regulation again.  Last week she taught us about the green zone and what that looks like and feels like.  This is the zone where we are "ready to learn."  Today she talked about the "yellow zone." She talked about how it's ok to go into the yellow zone, we all do, but what is important is how do we get back to the green zone.  Some examples she gave us were: feeling silly, really excited, frustrated with a friend, overwhelmed, etc.  The kiddos were able to give some great examples of when they have been in the yellow zone.  Then she talked about some strategies we can use to get back into the green zone.  Some examples were: to take a short walk, get a drink, ask to take a break, take some deep breaths, etc.  It was so great to see how engaged all the students were with Mrs. Weninger!!!

Math: Today we worked with our ketchup and mustard partners again and sorted our shapes by size.  We practiced as a whole class on the smart board what that means to sort by size.  We sorted teacups by if they were large or small and then went with our partners and tried to sort them by size today.  This was a little trickier than sorting them by color and shape but with some practice we were all able to sort them.

Writer's Workshop:  We worked on a friend's special friend book.

We had MUSIC today!

Reading/Phonics: Today was our day 2 practice of the letter Hh.  We played a game on the smart board and then worked on the practice sheet for letter H.  Here we had to color in pictures that started with the letter Hh.  We also learned the new snap word "on" and did a practice sheet.  We then played a listening game to hear if 2 words rhyme within a sentence.

Social Studies: TIME FOR KIDS- Today we did our first magazine about schools around the world.  Most weeks we will do our time for kids on Mondays.  We learned that schools can look different all around the world.  We then discussed what made out school different and what we love most about our school.


Technology:  Today Ms. Casebolt showed us how to get on the internet and to her webpage that has MANY fun learning games.  There were a lot of steps to get there but most of us were able to do it.  Way to go Kindergartners!  When they got to the correct website they were able to play the game "This is sand" again.  We also learned about double click and how we can use double click on our games.

Math: Today in math we reviewed our shapes and sorting briefly and then worked on number writing.  We practiced writing our numbers with a number line to help.  We are getting better.  A HINT...make sure your child is starting their numbers at the top.  Also the number 1 in school is just a line, no fancy looking letters and no line underneath the 1.  Just a straight line.  This helps avoid confusion later on in math.

We had PHY ED today!!

Reading/Phonics: Fridays are usually our review day.  We reviewed all the letters we have learned so far and the sounds they make.  We reviewed the snap words we've learned by playing some interactive games on the smart board.  We also played a rhyming game on the smart board.   We LOVED this game!!!  We also did a practice sheet using our visual skills.  We sorted the letters b, d and p.  Since these letters visually look so much alike it's important for the students to distinguish between them.  Some of us had to double check our work but overall we did very well.

We made another friend's special book and ended the day in our new play area.


Math: Number sense- we will be working with our partners a lot this week and working on what does a number mean.  The students will get to pick a number and their partner will build it with cubes.  We will also be working with counting and one to one matching.

We will also be introducing our DAILY 5 time.  This is the management program we set up so that I can spend time working one on one with students and small groups.  We will spend time practicing and building up our stamina in the hopes to build our quiet reading time to 10 minutes so we can begin our guided reading groups.

Reading:  We will also be starting our whole group reading instruction this week.  This week will focus mainly on finding the main idea of a story and the supporting details.  We will also be talking about making connections to stories and our real lives.

Fire Safety:  We will begin to talk about fire safety and will be making a fun art project.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

This Week's Happenings...


GREAT IDEA...GREAT IDEA......We started our day with our Weekend News morning work.  This is the second one we have done so far.  As you look at them now you see mostly a drawing and sometimes a letter or word.  A great idea to use for these is to keep each one in a binder or folder and write the date on them.  I will try to do that for you, if I remember!  I did this with my son Nick's when he was in Kindergarten.  It is so much fun to look back and WATCH the progress of their writing!!!  You will be amazed!!

Today for math we learned a new dice roll math game called "What did you Roll."  We worked on 1-1 counting and identifying a matching number.  This was great practice and we LOVED it!!  We also worked on our fine motor skills by trying to stay in the lines.

CALENDAR: This week we started having our "star helper" of the day do the calendar on the smart board.  This is a very important job and we LOVE it!!

STORYBOOK READER: Today we had our FIRST storybook reader.  Once or twice a month volunteers from the community, (parents too), come to the library often times dressed up and read students in grades Pre-K- 3rd grade a great picture book.  Today Mrs. Mavencamp read us the story "Have Fun, Molly Lou Melon".
We continued to work on another student's name today.  We are getting really good at drawing each other!  Watch for your child's special story book to come home.

MUSIC: We had music today!

Today we worked on the letter Ee.  We read the Alphatales story The Enormous Elephant Show.    We brainstormed letter E words and worked on letter E poem.  

LIBRARY: We had library today and were able to check out a book today.  Please return these by Monday.


Today in math we worked on writing the numbers 0-10 on our whiteboards.  This is great practice for identifying numbers as well as fine motor skills and holding a marker.  We also practiced good listening skills by hearing the song and the direction and applying it to their number writing.  

SMART ROOM:  We finished learning our stations in the S.M.A.R.T. room and will be able to get with our partners and start moving!!! :)  We are very excited!  We also started listening and then repeating each of the 50 sight words we need to know for K using the black light.  This is SO much fun!  We LOVE to see what our clothes look like under the black light. :)

WRITER'S WORKSHOP: We worked on more names today.  

PHY ED: We had phy ed today and went outside!  What a great day! Mr. Ronnenberg said we were all SUPER listeners today!!

READING/PHONICS:   We have decided to slow down a little while learning and practicing our letters.  Instead of doing one a day we are going to spend 2 days on each letter.  This is how we have always done it in the past and feel it gives the children more practice using the letter in context.  We also can spend more time with the handwriting strokes this way.  If you have questions you can let me know.  Today we had our day 2 practice of the letter E.  We reviewed the letter E and the sound it makes.  We practiced writing the lowercase letter e on our worksheet today.  We also reviewed the letters A-D too.  We are using something called visual phonics to help us remember the sound each letter makes.  


We also did some phonemic awareness work today.  That is where we practice just hearing sounds and syllables in words by auditory processing only.  I would say 3 words and they would need to tell me which one was different.  For example..I would say season, sunshine, season and they would tell me that the 2nd word was different.  We will be doing these listening activities EVERY day.  They also love it that our puppet "Sharkie" comes out to help with this activity! :)

SNAP WORD: Today we worked on the word AND.  

SOCIAL STUDIES: This week we are working on bus safety.  We read a story about how to be safe on the bus and talked about all the rules.  By the end of the week we all have become BUS SAFETY EXPERTS!!


"Happy Birthday to you...."
We were able to celebrate 2 friends' birthdays today!!

Happy Birthday Michael....

Happy Birthday Adam....

MATH:  We worked on number and shape recognition today and had time to write numbers on our white boards.  I was able to walk around and assist with numeral reversals.  This is VERY common in Kindergarten BUT also something we like to have corrected by the end of the year.  IF you are working with your child at home and see that they are reversing their numbers, please correct them EACH time!  Also remind them to ALWAYS start their numbers AND letters at the top!!!  We have a fun song for each number to help us write them correctly.

WRITER'S WORKSHOP:  Student name work again.  We are going to be starting our actual writer's workshop next week.  The first few days will be learning where to sit and how to get materials.  I am looking forward to getting started!! 

MUSIC:  We had music today with Mrs. Klumb.  

READING/PHONICS: Today was our Day 1 work of the letter Ff.  We read the story Fif's Ferret's Flute.  We brainstormed letter F words and worked on our letter poem.  

SOCIAL STUDIES:  We reviewed our bus safety rules again and colored our own books to take home today.  Ask your child about the Danger Zone.

**This morning I was gone at an appointment.  Mrs. Latour was our guest teacher today and she raved about how well behaved they were.  We earned 2 marbles for her today!**

MATH: Today the students worked on their number writing skills again and number recognition with Mrs. Latour.  

CHARACTER EDUCATION:  Mrs. Weninger came in this morning and introduced the students to our "Zones of Regulation."  Today they talked about the "Green Zone." This is the zone that we want to be in when we are at school.  When we are in the green zone we are feeling happy, ready to learn, calm, positive, etc.  For the next few months we will be working on each zone and how we create "tools" to help us stay in the green zone.  Watch for a handout explaining these in more depth.

WRITER'S WORKSHOP:  Name work again.  

PHY ED: We had phy ed today and went outside!  What a great day! Mr. Ronnenberg said we were all SUPER listeners today!!

READING/PHONICS: Today was our Day 2 work on the letter Ff.  We played an interactive game on the smart board and practiced coloring pictures that start with the letter Ff.  

SNAP WORD: Today we worked on the word IS.  

BOOK:  We read the story Personal Space Camp by Julia Cook.  This is a great story teaching us that we all have a personal space bubble and want to make sure that we do not pop others' bubbles.  We practiced what it looks like on the rug to stay in our own "bubble."  


MATH:  We learned a new roll and record dice game today.  This was the same skills we worked on on the first game, just a different look to it.  We are really enjoying these games.

TECHNOLOGY:  Today for technology class, Ms. Casebolt came to our classroom and talked about internet safety.  We watched a video starring "Timon and Pumba" from Lion King to help us understand how we can be safe on the internet.  We learned that we NEVER give anyone online our name, address, phone number, etc because they are a STRANGER.  We reviewed that a stranger is "someone we don't know." 

MUSIC:  We had music today with Mrs. Klumb. 

READING/PHONICS: We reviewed all the letters from A-F and the words a, the, and, is.  We played our own version of "hangman" where I draw a picture not the white board of a face using a marker.  Then I write the lines showing how many letters were in the word.  We guessed letters and if the letter was NOT in the word, I erased a part of the face.  We LOVED this game!  Have your child tell you about it!  It's a great way to practice words at home as well!!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Today we colored a picture of a bus and each student told me one bus safety rule that we wrote on the sheet.  These are hanging up in the hallway by our classroom.