Sunday, May 17, 2015


Library books:  Last Monday was our last day to check out books in the library!  Please return all library books by THURSDAY, MAY 21ST!

Book bags and books:  Last week was our last week of book clubs.  I will be assessing the students for final report cards.  The kids will still be reading books at school every day but will not be sending one home.  PLEASE look around and return all school books ASAP.  If you had a book get lost, ruined or damaged please let me know so we can order a new one for next year.  I really appreciate this!!

TRACK AND FIELD DAY:  This is the first year that kindergarten will be participating in track and field.  It will be on Friday, May 22nd and we will participating ONLY in the morning.  Events will start right away around 8:20 or 8:30.  PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD WEAR THE COLOR PURPLE.  IT IS OUR GRADE LEVEL COLOR!! The kindergartners will be running a 50 meter, and a 100 meter run and will get to participate in the softball throw and long jump.  The kindergartners will not be timed or ranked.  All participants will receive a participation ribbon.  If you are interested in volunteering that day please let me know ASAP.  The afternoon will resume as a typical kindergarten day.

Last week of school:  The last week of school will be filled with special days.  On Tuesday it will be "Be the Teacher Day!"  Your child will get to "teach" the class something that they are good at and want to teach.  It could be as simple as how to draw something, make a paper airplane, or make a snack.  Next week we will be sending home the "lesson plan" sheet for you to fill out.  Please take the time to practice their lesson at home.  Wednesday will be game day.  Your child will be able to bring a board game (non electronic) of their choice to share with their friends.  Thursday will be Mrs. Wishy Washy day.  We will spend time cleaning up and organizing the classroom for graduation.  Many things will be coming home this day as we will be cleaning out our lockers and cubbies.

Kindergarten Graduation:  Graduation is a very special day for your kindergartner.  It is on the last day of school, Friday, May 29th at 1:30.  The ceremony will be held in our classroom.  There will be a  video, some songs with the music teacher, and presentation of the diplomas.  I understand that some of you may have children or other family members participating in preschool graduation or in Mrs. Tongen's class at the same time. We will be sending home a schedule for the ceremony so you can get to as many parts of both that you can.  We will also have refreshments right after.  I can't believe how fast this year went, and I am SO proud of how much they have grown!!

Please let me know if you have any questions about any of these days.  You will get more information as some get closer! Thanks!!

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