Saturday, January 31, 2015

Friday, January 30th

Guest Reader:  Today Reese and her mom read a story!  Thanks so much!

Math: Today in math I gave the students the whole number and one of the parts and they worked with the partner to figure out the other part. This concept was  little trickier but with lots of practice story problems we got it!  Way to go kindergartners!!

Calendar time:  Enjoy a couple pics from calendar time.  We do calendar every day.  The students have their own calendar binders to fill in and follow along with the board.  This month the new skills were finding a number that is one more and one less.  We also play a game called "snowman squeeze." The helper picks out a number and the others guess a number and the helper tells us if that number is too big or too little.  By doing this we end up squeezing the snowmen to get the right number.

Technology: Today we went to a new door in our "keystone" game.  We had to find and type the correct letter that the picture started with.  We did such a great job!

Writer's Workshop:  We had some time to write in our journals today, remembering to use spaces, our brave spelling and making sure our words match the pictures!


Phonics/Language Arts: Today we used our work mats to make and build CVC and word family words.  This was our first day of using these mats with our magnet letters as a whole group and we did great!  We earned quite a few marbles for being such great listeners!  Way to go!

Science:  Today we learned about Mr. Germ and his germ family.  We talked about how germs can make us sick and where they like to hang out.  We sang a song called "5 Nasty Germs" and helped get rid of the germs by throwing invisible soap balls at them!  We talked about and practiced how to wash our hands.  The new thing many students learned is to use the paper towl to shut off the water and use it to open the door handle.  We then had some time to create our own "how to" wash our hands chart.  

Thursday, January 29th


Math:  Today in math we added two dice to create our whole and part.  We worked with our ketchup and mustard to take turns building and breaking apart the numbers 2-12.  We are getting really good at this, our next math unit is addition and this is when we start using the math words plus and equal.  We have a great base for number sense after this unit!  So proud of the kiddos!

Writer's Workshop:  Today we heard a story online called The Girl Who Never Made a Mistake.  Then we talked about how it's ok to make mistakes and they are meant to happen so we can learn form them.  We had a great class discussion and then went to our tables and wrote about a time we made a mistake! Click HERE to watch the story!


Phonics/Language Arts:  Today we learned how to spell the color word purple.  We are almost through our color words, next we will learn how to spell our number words!

Handwriting:  We learned the letter P.

Daily 5:

Wednesday, January 28th

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY!! Mr. Ronnenberg guided us through our monthly wellness workout!

Math:  Today in math we worked with whole/part numbers again.  Today we rolled the dice and had to come up with a story problem to go with our numbers.  Then we used our math talk cards to write the equation.  Ex.  4 and 2 make 6

Writer's Workshop:  Today we reviewed using spaces and remembering to have a  complete thought.  (a who and a what.)


Phonics/Language Arts: Today we learned the am word family.  We brainstormed words for our chart and played a couple interactive games on the smart board.  We also learned and played a new snap word game on the smart board.  The students guess letters to make the mystery word and if they get a letter right we make a basket and score.  If the letter they choose is not in the word, its a miss.  We LOVED playing this game!!

Handwriting:  We practiced the letter O!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, January 27th

Today was iPad math Tuesday.  Every Tuesday we use the app called Splash Math.  It keeps track of each student's progress and challenges them as they answer correctly.

Writer's Workshop:
Today we talked about what a complete sentence is.  It has to have a "who" and a "what."  We did a really nice job.  We also have been using our spacemen to help us remember to keep a space in between our words.


Phonics/language arts:
Today for phonics we learned about the an word family.  We brainstormed an words and played a couple interactive games on the smart board.  Next we made our own "van an" book.  I am very proud of all the kiddos, this concept is really catching on!  Way to go!

Today we read a story called Katy's First Day of School.  We talked about making connections to a story and we also made inferences while we were reading.  We practiced reading with expression today.

Daily 5:
We did not do book clubs today because I am using this time to do some testing of your children for conferences.  I am looking forward to sharing with you how much they have learned.

Student Readers:  We had two students who asked to read a book to the class this afternoon, way to go Reese and Emily, you did great!!


Monday, January 26, 2015

Mrs. Weninger's blog

Check out Mrs. Weninger's blog to keep up to date on our project to create change for Haiti.  For every $50.00 that is raised a family can purchase a goat to help their family.

Click HERE to check it out...

Monday, January 26th

Math: Today in math we practiced taking breaking a number into parts on a worksheet.  We've been practicing this using unifix cubes so today was the first time we tried just on a worksheet.  It was a little tougher but with support and practice, we are getting it!

Writer's Workshop:  Today we were introduced to "spaceman."  Spaceman helps remind us to use spaces between our words.  We each got our own space man to keep at our tables.  He is very helpful!

WE HAD PHY ED TODAY!  We practiced playing hockey today!

Phonics/Language Arts:  Today we learned how to spell the color word pink.  We also played cat and mouse to practice our snap words.

Reading:  We worked on making inferences using a poem.  We are getting really good at this!

We had library today!

A Peek from Last Week

Last week in math we were working on whole/part.  We practiced taking a whole number and breaking it into parts.  We had a lot of practice and are really catching on.  Next week we will start with the parts to create a whole number.

We had some 3rd grade guest readers...

Phonics/Language Arts:
Last week we began our study of word families.  We learned the at and ap families.  We also learned the color words white and brown.

Reading:  Last week we began working on making inferences within our stories.  

Writer's Workshop:  This week we practiced visualizing our stories before writing in our journals.  We listened to a poem called My Green Giant by Jack Prelutsky.  After we listened we drew a picture of our giant how we visualized it in our brains.  Next we wrote a sentence about our giant.