FYI: I've been having trouble uploading some of our latest pictures, I am working on getting those up on Bloomz. If you haven't signed up for the Bloomz app or need the instructions again, please let me know. That is where I post our pictures.
Math: We spent a week reviewing our 2D shapes and then began our study of 3D shapes. We will continue with 3D shapes for a couple more days and then begin breaking down numbers. Ex. 6 is actually 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 3. We call this decomposing numbers. Learning and understanding what a number is will help with further math instruction.
We have learned the letters Aa-Jj. Next week we will continue with Kk and Ll.
Snap words: We have learned a, the, and, is, I, and on. Next week we will be working on the words to and it. Keep working on those words at home! If you need new flashcard sheets just let me know.
Social Studies: We have been working on rules/laws and being a good citizen. We also worked a lot last week on fire safety. Make sure to talk with your children about their "plan" in case there was a fire at home. Create a "meeting place" outside your home.
Handwriting: We started our study of writing our letters. Make sure to remind your child to "start their letters at the top!" Also, we will begin working on writing our names with lower case letters.
Next Week...
We will begin learning about our Daily 5 time. This is a structure where the students will be working independently on center activities including; read to self, read to a buddy, word work, listen to a story, and work on writing. During these activities I will be able to take small groups of students back to begin our guided reading lessons. Watch for a book bag coming home soon!
Pals Time:
Next week we will also begin something called PALS. During this time, the students will be paired up and take turns being the "coach" and the "student." Here we will work on letter and sound fluency to begin with and then work on sight word and reading fluency.
If you haven't done so yet, please send in the scrapbook page as well as a baby picture to school ASAP. Thanks!
Thanks for patience in getting our pictures uploaded! I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weekend!