Saturday, January 30, 2016

A Peek at the Week...

Happy Birthday to...Logan!

Halfy Birthday to...Levi!

Star of the Week is...

Math: This week we finished up our unit on finding whole/part.  We also worked on our number writing and did a skill snap shot.  This is helpful so I can check for any number reversals.  We are doing a great job writing our numbers!

Snap words: this, said
Word families: ad, an
This week was reader's theatre.  We practiced reading with fluency and expression.  This week we added a question mark.  We talked about how to change our voice to make it sound like a question.  

We learned a new game called ZAP!  It is a fun game used to help recognize snap words! 

Storybook Reader:

Technology:  This week we learned about PBS Kids and had time exploring the games!  Click HERE to try it out at home!

iPad Math: We learned about and practiced our new math app Splash Math!  We Loved it! Click HERE to sign in with the log in info you received at conferences.  If you lost the info, please contact me and I will get you a new sheet, Thanks!

Next Week...
Snap words: she and that
Word families: am and ed
Math: intro to addition and subtraction (+1 and -1)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Peek at the Week...

Happy Birthday to...Lucy!

Halfy Birthday to...Taylor!

Halfy Birthday to..Kyrsten!

Star of the Week...Ellie!

Math:  This week in math we worked on finding parts of a whole number as well as finding the whole number with parts.  We also learned some math roll and record games!

snap words: be, all
word families: at and ap
Comprehension: Story elements continued

Character Education: This week was our last week of Character Ed.  Mrs. Weninger talked to us about a project we are doing to help kids in Haiti go to school.  Starting this week we will begin to collect money-coins or dollars to send to Haiti.  For every $50 we collect as a school, we can send one child to school.  We will be competing again other grade levels.  In February we will be having some special days to help raise money as well.

Storybook Reader:

A Peek at Next week...

Snap words: this, said
Word families: ad and an
Color words: pink and purple
Conferences Tuesday and Thursday
We will start back up with our reading groups this week.  I am looking forward to sharing all the great gains I have seen while assessing your child!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Peek at the Week...

Star of the Week is...Brooklyn!

Math: This week in math we worked on using ten frames to help us break apart numbers.  Ex. I have 6, I need 4 more to make 10.  We had a lot of practice with this and are doing well learning this concept.

Snap words: when/have
ch and wh brothers
Comprehension: Story elements
Characters, setting, problem and solution

Storybook Reader: Amanda read the story Walter the Farting Dog!

Character Education: This week we learned about the last Unthinkable- Un-Wonderer.  He gets in our brains and makes us not want to learn about and talk to others.  He doesn't want to listen to our friends' ideas.

Next week:
Snap words: be, all
word families: at and ap
more story elements
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
NO SCHOOL on Friday, January 22nd-Teacher Workshop Day!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Peek at the Week...

Halfy Birthday...Kaidan!!

Lunch in the Classroom!  Thanks for all the parents who helped your child work on their holiday break homework!  We enjoyed a nice quiet meal at Jost's Diner! :) 

Math: This week in math we worked on learning counting strategies.  We learned how to count and slide, count and touch and count and move.  We used colorful bears to help us.  We also practiced counting using ten frames to help us. 

This week we began our study of the "h brothers."  This week we learned the "th" and "sh" brothers.  We call "th" the naughty brothers because when they are together they stick out their tongue to make their sound.  We also learned the "sh" brothers.  We call these the quiet brothers.  When they are together they make the same sound when we want someone to be quiet.

Color words: This week we also began our study of color words.  We sing a song to help us remember how to spell and read these color words.

Snap word: as, if
Comprehension: This week was our reader's theatre week.  We practiced noticing punctuation such as commas and exclamation points.  We practiced taking a breath at the comma and reading excited with an exclamation point.  We also practiced reading like we are talking.

Storybook reader:  Pastor Cullyn came to read us a fun winter story!

Character Education:  This week we learned about the Unthinkables, "Wasfunnyonce" and "Grump Grumpainy."

A Peek at Next Week...
-Ch and Wh brothers
Snap words: when, have
Math: breaking apart numbers, and finding how many more to make 10.  We will also introduce addition using objects to help us.